E-ticket with Wonderfly review 2019
Cuti sekolah akhir tahun ni.. kak Ai beli ticket dari wonderfly utk admission ke lost world of tambun. . Since beli utk fam members yg ramai, sgt berbaloi. ada promo akhir tahun 5-8% tertakluk pada jumlah total. Kak Ai qualified utk dpt 8% discount so harga ticket dpt Adult jatuh harga RM63.48 & kids 59.8. . Kak Ai ni risau nk beli online sbb tak pasti weather benda ni trusted agent or not. So kalau u all ada perasaan yg sama.. Don't worry. We really get entered and enjoyed at Lost World of Tambun using wonderfly 😊😊 . Lps bayar, kita akan dpt e-ticket dgn Qrcode. Kita ada option utk print or just show the ticket tru our handphone utk redeem gelang (yg biasa kita pakai masuk waterpark). . Alhamdulillah perjalan kak ai and fam masa tu sgt mudah.. smpi lost world 11am. Beratur x panjang pun utk redem. then ank2 hae fun dlm tu. Hp rosak pulak masuk air sbb waterproft pouch kami tu leaking. x dpt snap pict dlm ni.. hahaha dugaan. . Okey ini saja. Planned your va...