How do you do?

Wpun belajar english sejak umur 7 thn.. smpi umur 30 ni pun masih kene gak belajar english tp x fluent2 lg.. hai la.. xpe la, belajar kan xde had umur. (Sedapkan hati sendiri hehe)

On yesterday lessons, i just know that here in malaysia got three type of english.
1) Manglish
2) British
3) American

Malaysian mostly use manglish which is we not suppose to use :). I still cannot differentiate the Manglish style. I also cannot notice weather my english is manglish or britain or american. hehehe.. i'm in learning curve. Perhaps after 8 weeks attending english class, do have some improvement with my english. 

As we told yesterday:

British : holiday
American : vacation

British : Programme
American : Program

British : Colour
American : Color

The different between these two style are the spelling & the chosen words.

And one more.. GREETING..
Q - How do you do?
A - How do you do?

If we got asked "how do you do?" We should reply "how do you do?" too.. for what reason, my lecturer also cannot explain but there is a pattern.. :D

And the amazing part is, i only know this after 24years learning english. hehe.. :)


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