
Showing posts from January, 2011

Still on Jan.. :)

Hey all.. :) times to times.. i felt like long time not blogging.. but i realize.. ohh still on Jan 2011.. haha.. Within 2 weeks.. many things happen until i feel 2 week is a long time journey :D Since last week, i start again my work out.. this time in different environment..different frens.. :D Me, kak az, kak hana & kak bai... we were together to give some times to ourself.. to maintain healthier.. look younger then olds ;)) menyahut seruan kerajaan is 1 thing :D. Last Wednesday.. i'm dating wif my lovely husband.. watching FASTER.. The Rock Is Cooking ;) Story is straight forward.. easy to understand. i give 3 star ;). Before this we watching The Tourist Angelina Jolie. this movie is not so heavy like usually Angie's done. For whom aspect stunt action from Angie, maybe quite disappointed. This movie also light.. but the story is nice.. after 45 min movie begin, my hubby can guest already who is the thief.. hehehe.. i give 4 star. Credit to izwan sbb slalu teman kitoran

Welcome 2011

Lbh kurang 4 bulan x update blog.. Bz skit ujung tahun lps. :) Prepare for my big day. Alhamdulillah, hari ni 10 Jan 2011, dah 1 bulan 8 hari aku menjadi isteri org. Aku mohon yg terbaik dariNya disebalik perkahwinan ini. 1 Jan 2011: Jalan2 ke tanjung karang, sepupu aku kawen. Anak cik atan.. g skali dgn abg Saha sefamily. Alhamdulillah abg Saha ade, klu x mati kutu gak aku kot. hehehe.. Thanks a lot my dear bro. :) Balik tu singgah ke Kuala Selangor.. Peninggalan sejarah tentera malaya melawan tentera belanda.. Dh byk perubahan.. Skrg kene naik train nak naik atas bukit tu. Monyet punye lah byk.. huhu.. Batu hampar buat pancung kepala prg, x dpt tgk sbb dh dikubu kuat oleh monyet2 tu. Rupe2nye hari ni besday kak aya.. hehehe.. tp aku photografer x berpengalaman ni terlepas scene bagus dr diorg bedua... Dah penat.. kami pun balik..