
Showing posts from September, 2011

Vitamins / suplements during pregnancy

Many women experience a variety of problems during pregnancy. These discomforts usually related to hormonal changes in the body or because the body is under additional strain during pregnancy. Common complaints and findings include: anemia, constipation, cramps, varicose veins, vaginal thrush, stretch marks, and nausea and vomiting. What we can do to help Watch out ou r diet! ;) Ensure that you get plenty of iron to prevent and treat anemia (see your health professional for dosages). Take vitamin C (500 mg per day) with the iron to aid absorption. Folic acid (at lest 400 mcg per day) is necessary during pregnancy for the healthy development of the fetus . Increase your fiber intake to help prevent constipation . Eat plenty of foods rich in calcium and magnesium to help prevent cramps . Vitamin A is linked to growth and it is now recommended that all pregnant and breast feeding women take supplements of vitamin A (as beta-carotene) (no more than 10,000 IUs...

Kurang darah merah?

Assalamualaikum & slmt ptg. Sy ni jenis yg x suka jmpe Dr melainkan mmg dh sakit.. klu demam sikit2 pun sy redha n jaga pemakanan je. Dua tiga hari ni cari info tentang persediaan utk mengandung.. maklumla, dh rasa nk timang anak sendiri... Wcemanapun kita hanya berusaha & Allah yg menetukan segalanya mengikut kesesuaian kite. Dlm pencarian tu tebaca tentang kekurangan darah merah berisiko utk gugur. Lebih kurang camtu la ayat dia.. sy penah keguguran sblm ni, jd tercari2 la info ttg kekurangan darah merah. Dari tanda2 sampai cara mengatasi. Biasa kite dengar, nak tambah darah makan hati (hati ayam / lembu), wpun kita tahu ia bercanggah dgn amalan Rasulullah s.a.w. Sebenarnya kite ade altenatif lain iaitu: Elakkan dari makan sebarang organ dalaman seperti hati dsbnya. Elakkan makanan rapu seperti coklat, mee maggi, twisties, ding dang, double decker, burger, naget, sausage dan sebagainya. Elakkan minuman bergas. Elakkan jeruk-jeruk kering dan basah. Makan sayur...

Syawal 1432 Hijrah

Really..time too short.. today already 12 Syawal.  Alhamdulillah.. today we still can breath.. can see sunrise.. can kiss our beloved.. can feel their care.. can going to work.. can meet our friend.. can eat our fav dish.. Owh! so huge Gift from Allah for us... then asked ourself wht we has done to turn it back... Astagfirullah hal 'azim.. Since in Syawal, i heard several death news.. and 1 from them is my dear friend since our is little.. He only 30th years old.. death due to car crash him & run away at Egypt. Al-fatihah for him. pray for your happinest there. Every life will death.. that sure, and the death will come anytime.. benefit your life & around you while live still borrowed to you.. Ma'assalamah.